Fitness can be complicated but I’m going to simplify it for you by explaining my 3 top tips to being fit over 60. How many things are as easy as one, two, three? Not many but actually fitness can be. I’m sure you’re thinking I must be crazy to make this statement but I believe it to be true. For most women over sixty one of the biggest problems is the abundance of fitness info that bombards us daily. Just when you think you have it figured out, some new survey comes out and negates everything you’re doing. Low carb, low fat, burpees, yoga, resistance training . . . ENOUGH!
I’ve tried to live a healthy lifestyle since my early twenties. Using both my personal experience and those as a personal trainer and weight loss coach, I realize that simple is best. My three top tips for being fit over sixty are the necessary fundamentals to achieving this goal.
You can’t exercise yourself out of a bad diet. Regardless of how much you workout the bottom line is you are what you eat. I am not advocating any particular diet or nutrition plan but I am saying that your food choices are critical to being fit, regardless of your age. This is my basic guideline on how to make the right food choices:
Say no to processed foods. Focus on fresh vegetables and proteins. There are so many healthy options in the stores today that make meal prep a breeze. It’s important to eat lots of lean proteins like eggs, fish, chicken, and turkey to stay fit over 60. And if time is a problem, you can purchase a package of hard boiled eggs or frozen, cooked shrimp for your protein.
Fill up on fresh vegetables whether in a salad or as a side. There are so many options in the supermarkets today from bags of salad to cut up vegetables that are ready to cook or eat. You can even purchase spiralized veggies that are so popular today. Try some of my yummy low calorie treats. They are super flavorful and none of them will put weight on you! HOW TO SNACK LIKE A PRO and all my FEED ME posts and videos are simple to make, delicious and good for you!
When you switch from processed to real foods you will be amazed at the calorie difference. Real foods are much lower in calories but you still need to be mindful of how much you eat. Many foods come in portion controlled packs. I love to snack so I buy my munchies in individual packs. Nuts, hummus, and popcorn are some of my favorites and I only purchase them in individual packs to ensure I don’t overdo it.
You knew this one was coming. White grain products like pasta, bread and crackers give very little to your body except lots of fat, belly bloat and hunger. They digest so quickly that you’re usually more hungry after you consume them. And don’t replace the simple carbs with healthier grains (including gluten free products) because these healthy options have carbs too. Try to stay away from bread if you want to be fit over 60. Use lettuce as a sandwich wrap or a portobello mushroom cap as a food holder. If you must have a carb have a small white or sweet potato.

I have a sweet tooth but I find if I allow myself a little treat it’s usually enough. A small amount of chocolate (have the type you like) coupled with some decaffeinated tea works for me. Or try some of my sweet treats like BANANAS DELICIOUS or SUNDAE IN A CUP. Yummy!
For those of you who prefer more structure, my NUTRITION PLAN is for you!
That’s it. The human body was meant for movement and not respecting that need is foolish and unhealthy. You don’t have to be an athlete or endure long, grueling workout sessions to be fit. But 30 minutes of daily physical activity is a must. And it’s important to incorporate both cardio and weight training. If you don’t have 30 minutes to dedicate, break it up into 2-15 minute or 3-10 minute sessions. There are lots of great workout videos and posts on my website to help you. One of the best to get you going is 4 QUICK WAYS TO START YOUR FITNESS PLAN NOW.
It’s not necessary to buy a gym membership or any fancy equipment. You can go up and down your stairs, do push ups, chair squats, follow along with one of my workout videos, or take a walk. If you’re conscious of the absolute need to fit movement into your day you will. What’s important is that you move for thirty minutes every day. Only you can give your body what it wants and NEEDS!
I can write a post a mile long telling you what you need to do to be fit over sixty but if you don’t have the right mindset, you won’t be able to meet that goal. Wanting and doing are two different things. You need to tell yourself consistently that your wellness is important. You should be YOUR TOP PRIORITY! Make it your mantra! Everyday you wake up think about one thing you love about yourself. At night, one positive thing you did that day. Be your own best friend and your number one cheerleader. Forget about a fitness buddy and BE ACCOUNTABLE TO YOU!
It hasn’t always been easy for me. I have had rough times but I get through them because I know I must. Have confidence, stay committed, and TELL YOURSELF YES — YOU CAN BE FIT OVER SIXTY!
This post explains how I stay fit even through the worst times: