Exercising in hot weather can be a challenge but with a little thought it can be done safely. Many women over fifty walk or jog as their main form of cardio so it’s important to be able to maintain this activity when the temperature soars. It’s always better to be safe than sorry so here are some general rules for you to follow.
When the days start getting shorter it’s time to start thinking about the holidays. Every middle-aged woman I know wants to look great when celebrating. To ensure you won’t wake up on the day of the party with nothing to wear, it’s a good idea to drop a few pounds now. I always pre-plan, whether for a special event or the holiday season. I decide on my end goal (firm up a particular body part, fit into a special dress, or lose five pounds). Then I make a plan.
Setting Safe, Smart and Attainable Fitness Goals
While setting new intentions is always a good thing, having a defined end game is equally as important. The instinct is to go big, but in reality it’s always best to listen to our bodies to set realistic, smart and safe fitness goals. What’s the benefit? It’s two-fold. Fitness isn’t a one-size-fits-all mentality. No two women are the same – and those of us in our fifties and sixties certainly aren’t in the same place as women in their twenties and thirties. Our bodies are different, and we have to account for these differences when we set our fitness goals. The benefit here is that if we take the time to recognize and set smaller, realistic goals, we’re more likely to accomplish them.
How to Count Calories in Your Sixties
There’s nothing better than meeting up with an old friend over drinks and delicious appetizers. I adore preparing my son’s favorite meals when he comes home for a visit. And don’t even get me started on how I feel about all the treats that come with the holiday season. Food is an integral and happy part of life that brings people together. However, it’s important that women – especially those of us in our 60’s and older – are fully in the know as to how much food and what types of food our bodies need for optimal performance and health. It’s important to know how to count calories in your sixties.
I like to keep things simple. Staying fit and healthy when you’re a middle aged woman is no easy task — even those of us who follow a good nutritional and exercise program have problems figuring things out. Sometimes I like to mix things up but there are some rules I always adhere to.