This time of year is all about parties and having fun and unfortunately, weight gain. But I am going to explain how not to get fat over the holidays. Here are strategies I have used for many years to get through this time of year without going up a size. There’s no reason not to have a great time, but there are a few things to keep in mind that will really help keep your weight in check.
Keep That Pesky Weight Off With Ease
Weight is a whole lot easier to put on than it is to lose – that’s just one of the frustrating, annoying truths that women are plagued with. Of course, it isn’t fair– we put in serious time at our gyms and spend months counting calories and measuring portions. Unfortunately, with just one vacation or week of indulging in our favorite foods, all the weight that we’ve worked so hard to lose comes back on – and then some!
Here’s the Perfect Plan to Be Event Ready in One Week!
We’ve all been there before: a special occasion is fast approaching, we try on an outfit and YIKES! The zipper doesn’t go up! Whether a fancy dress or a pair of jeans here are 5 tips for getting yourself event ready in one week.
Uncovering the Truth – What Really Happens When We Eat Too Much Sugar
Delicious glazed donuts, a rich slice of pie or the age-old classic: chocolate chip cookies. What do all of these decadent goodies have in common? Sugar! We all know that too much sugar isn’t good for us – it’s something our parents and doctors have instilled in us from a very young age. But what actually happens to our bodies when we go into sugar overload?
YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! These are five of the most powerful weight loss words that need to be part of your vocabulary! After the new year I need a reset to downsize my middle and figured many of you would too! That’s why I’m so excited to announce this weight loss challenge! Many women over fifty believe the secret to a slimmer body is exercise. While it is extremely important to move, your nutrition is paramount. Instead of giving you the exact foods to eat, I’ve laid out a simple nutrition philosophy for you to follow. The emphasis is on eating real food in moderate amounts when you’re hungry.