“Courage is knowing what not to fear.” ~ Plato
By nature I am not the scared type. You could say that throughout my life I have done a lot of really dangerous things with absolutely no thought. Like climbing up the ice-covered frame of the Manhattan Bridge at midnight in the dead of winter. Or riding third on the back of a motorcycle in Germany, touching the ground each time we turned a corner. My college was located in the worst neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY, yet I routinely walked around late at night with no fear. And at almost 70 little has changed. I just do not live in fear because fear kills dreams.
I have been an avid fitness enthusiast for almost 50 years so it should be no surprise that the gym is my home away from home. With the current Covid crisis gyms across the country were closed throwing most of us fitness fanatics into a tailspin. But now that the gyms have reopened the question I am asked all the time is “are you going?” The answer is yes, but with an asterisk*
follow along with me...
*This is my current gym protocol:
- I always wear a mask
- I don’t use the locker room or bathroom
- I only wear workout pants with at least 2 pockets & everything that comes into the gym with me fits into those pockets
- My pockets contain: phone, door key, wand, 1 tissue. I tuck my Ipod (I’m old school ?♀️) into my bra.
- I started wearing lifting gloves which cover most of my hands
- I only talk when necessary
- I don’t drink any water or beverage (I’m trying to figure this out)
- Any outerwear I wear must be able to be tied around my waist
- I clean everything before I touch with the disinfectant & paper towels supplied by the gym
- After cleaning with spray I swipe everything with my Medic Therapeutics UVC Fast Acting Wand that I purchased from @ShopHQ
- I always have a workout planned but I change as necessary when machines, benches or talky people are in the area I want to use
- If for any reason I don’t feel safe (today when a few people were not doing the mask thing) I LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!
- When I leave gym I take my mask off & dispose properly
- And as soon as I get into my car I remove my gloves and clean my hands thoroughly with hand sanitizer
- I don’t go to the gym on weekends, holidays or when it’s raining hard
Is this a drag? You bet. But I’m training, happy and feeling like Phyllis. Will this last? Who knows?

If you have any suggestions that might make my protocol safer, please leave me a comment below!
“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” ~ Suzy Kassem
Have you put on weight during lockdown? If you have this is a great post to help you lose those extra pounds.
If you are returning to the gym this post will help you go back safely.