Instead of just focusing on your home, now is actually a good time of year to spring clean your fitness routine. Although important to refresh the yard and wash the windows, I think it’s even more important to reassess your wellness lifestyle and make changes as needed. Here are my top 10 tips on how to hit the restart button on your fitness program.
The Best Step-by-Step Guide to Surviving Surgery When You’re Over Fifty
The last three and half years have been extremely challenging for me. In this time span I have had three major surgeries: two hip replacements and a mouthful of serious oral surgery (and when I say “mouthful” I mean my entire mouth!) My first hip replacement occurred right before the launch of my website and although it did delay the start, it never deterred me from launching! Overcoming obstacles is not new to me — I’ve been doing it my entire life. How? By setting a firm goal and then creating a mental timeline of “carrots” to help me succeed.
Yes, I know it’s Super Bowl Sunday and yes I do know we ladies want to have fun today. And yes I know that many of us don’t like to exercise on Sunday. Okay, now raise your hand if you’re planning on enjoying this special day with some wings, chips and dip, cheesy nachos, maybe some pigs in the blanket, pizza and some beer. If your hand is in the air let’s be smart and get these over fifty bodies moving a little. You can do this quick workout while you watch the halftime entertainment. Or be smart and pregame before the party starts. Either way this short routine will get your heart racing and your blood pumping and your metabolism rising.
Okay ladies — are you ready? My Baby Boomer Body Blast will have our over fifty bodies looking and feeling great in two weeks. I’m going to ask you to step up your game and concentrate on ALL of you. Do you have a favorite red or pink item of clothing you’d like to wear on Valentine’s Day but it’s just a little too snug? Today’s post is going to explain what you should eat and how you need to exercise to really ramp up your game and I know you’re up to the challenge!
How to Maximize Your Willpower to Lose Weight
We’ve all been there before – you spend weeks pumping yourself up for the commitment you’re going to make towards a healthier diet and regular fitness routine. This time, things are going to be different. You WILL do what it takes to look and feel your best. You’re so motivated, you start off strong! You avoid carbs for three weeks straight. You partake in cardio at least four times a week. Nothing can stop you, you’re doing great! But then, you go out to lunch with a girlfriend and she gets french fries with her meal. You just peck on a few – after all, you deserve it! But those few french fries unlock a craving you aren’t necessarily prepared to deal with.