As you all know, I follow a fairly regimented nutrition and exercise plan. That being said there are certain days of the year when I allow myself special treats. Notice I said treats and not cheats. When I have something I want to eat or drink I never think I’m cheating. I’m simply having something I want and it’s usually been built into my plan by doing a little pre-planning which I write about all the time. Valentine’s Day is one of those special days of the year and these yummy cocktails fit right in as they are all under 100 calories!
Valentine's Day
There’s nothing sexier than the color red. Red represents passion, desire, romance, strength and love . . . the perfect recipe for a perfect Valentine’s Day. I remember the first time I decided to try the color red on my nails and lips. I loved the shade of red on my nails but the color I chose for my lips was horrendous and I looked like a clown. As you remember there were not a lot of options when it came to red lipstick — we baby boomers only had an orange-red (remember the brand Tangee?) or vampire red-purple available to us. Luckily, times have changed.