As you all know, I follow a fairly regimented nutrition and exercise plan. That being said there are certain days of the year when I allow myself special treats. Notice I said treats and not cheats. When I have something I want to eat or drink I never think I’m cheating. I’m simply having something I want and it’s usually been built into my plan by doing a little pre-planning which I write about all the time. Valentine’s Day is one of those special days of the year and these yummy cocktails fit right in as they are all under 100 calories!
I always enjoyed going out for Valentine’s Day. It made me feel special to have my husband plan an evening (even though I did most of the planning) and I would get all dressed up for the occasion. Now that I’m middle aged I find that all the hype associated with this holiday is just that — hype. You spend a lot of money eating food you really are not crazy about from a very limited menu and you spend a fortune!
Okay ladies — are you ready? My Baby Boomer Body Blast will have our over fifty bodies looking and feeling great in two weeks. I’m going to ask you to step up your game and concentrate on ALL of you. Do you have a favorite red or pink item of clothing you’d like to wear on Valentine’s Day but it’s just a little too snug? Today’s post is going to explain what you should eat and how you need to exercise to really ramp up your game and I know you’re up to the challenge!
Prepping your kitchen for weight loss is the first and most important step you must take when you embark on a fitness journey. It is absolutely critical that your kitchen be a safe haven when your are trying to lose weight. Regardless of your will power, if your kitchen is stocked with poor choices it’s almost impossible to resist them when you’re hungry and your belly is screaming “feed me.”
Read MoreHow to Avoid This Year’s Holiday Weight Gain
This time of year is all about parties and having fun and unfortunately, weight gain. But I am going to explain how not to get fat over the holidays. Here are strategies I have used for many years to get through this time of year without going up a size. There’s no reason not to have a great time, but there are a few things to keep in mind that will really help keep your weight in check.