Every woman I speak to tells me how much she hates her lower half. If you’re in that group this workout video is for you. “No More Jiggle: Over 60 Legs and Butt Workout” is an intense yet easy to follow exercise routine that is guaranteed to get your heart racing and tone and sculpt your legs and butt. If you feel like your tush can almost touch the ground, now is the time to get cracking (couldn’t resist) and follow along with this video.
lower body workout
I was trying to come up with a clever title for this post but I realized that nobody cares about the name of the workout, they only care about the results. This workout may look simple, but I guarantee if you run through the routine 3 or 4 times and do it 2 or 3 days a week, you will definitely see results in your lower half. When you’re over 50 it seems like the bottom part of your body could almost touch the floor and we need to change that!
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