It’s without a doubt that food greatly impacts our bodies and overall health. As we grow older, our bodies and nutritional needs change. It only stands to reason that our eating habits will evolve as well! We look to food to keep our metabolisms moving and assist our bodies in fighting disease and illness. So, what items should always be on your weekly shopping list?
Overcoming Obstacles – How to Push Through Your Next Plateau
Summer is just around the corner and now is the time to kick it into high gear to look and feel your best this season! While maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine is crucial to losing weight, there are dozens of outlying factors that can affect your progress. If you find yourself at a weight loss plateau, don’t give up! As women age, weight comes off at a slower pace. Our hormones, our stress levels, and our sleep patterns in addition to our diet and exercise directly affect how we lose weight. It’s not enough to simply cut calories and hope for the best – we need to pay close attention to our bodies to overcome plateaus and continuously march towards our fitness goals.
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The Best Kept Workout Secrets of Old Hollywood’s Biggest Stars
When I hear the word “beauty” or “glamour,” my mind instantly goes to old Hollywood, when women were curvaceous, bold and classy! This was a time when beauty wasn’t necessarily synonymous with skinny – the stars of this era took great pride in preserving their curves. Rather than focus on fitting into a size zero, these ladies focused on gaining strength and exuding power through one common activity: resistance training!
Quit Waiting! Five Ways Women Over 50 Can Start Weight Training
It’s a tale as old as time – you look around the gym and see the cardio section jam-packed with women. Men of all ages and sizes monopolize the weights and machines. Unfortunately, women often hesitate to venture over and participate in weight training. And while cardio is a fantastic workout, there are certain benefits that are specific to resistance training such as increased strength, muscle density, metabolism and sleep patterns.
To Go Gluten-Free or Not to Go Gluten-Free? That is the Question!
Over the past few years, there’s been a spotlight on gluten-free eating. What was once regarded as a dietary restriction for those who suffer from Celiac disease is now a mainstream diet of choice for women of all ages. And as more people have adopted a gluten-free lifestyle, the easier it has become to follow. Supermarkets stock their shelves with approved foods and snacks. The Internet is riddled with recipes and fun ideas to recreate favorite foods in a compliant way. Is it for you?
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