Everyday I’m asked numerous times by my followers for a “secret sauce” or “fountain of youth.” A good diet paired with a consistent exercise routine has always been my answer but most women want more. “Isn’t there something on the market I could use?” Unfortunately, there was honestly no product that I could endorse to significantly help with the aging process. Until now.
Growing old is a fact of life, and it’s inevitable. Our bones become brittle, skin starts to wrinkle, muscles get weaker, and energy plummets. These are the typical signs of aging. But is there anything we can add to help slow this down?
As you may know I am always looking for new products that enhance wellness. Everything I tried yielded little or no benefit. Until I came across Somaderm™ Gel. This gel has completely changed my life! This is a huge statement coming from me considering this is the first product I am offering my followers in over three years of blogging. I’m going to explain to you what the product is and the benefits.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a single-chain peptide hormone produced from the pituitary gland, the master gland in the body. This is the hormone that helps you grow throughout childhood, hence the word “growth.” Around the age of twenty HGH is at it’s peak, and then it starts to plummet around the age of 25. This is when the dreadful aging process begins, as this hormone slowly declines for the rest of your life.
Growing isn’t the only thing HGH is good for. Many experts say that elevating growth hormone when you are older can bring back your levels to when you were in your 20’s. An increase in HGH is associated with:
- Better Mood
- Improved Memory
- Increased Strength
- Fat Loss
- Enhanced Libido
- Increased Joint Mobility
- Healthier Hair, Skin, and Nails
- Increased Muscle Tone
- Increased Bone Density
Somaderm™ Gel has the highest level of HGH (human growth hormone) available over the counter. That’s right ladies no prescription needed! It is a transdermal gel that is applied topically on the thin areas of the skin where veins are visible and is quickly absorbed in the bloodstream within 5-10 minutes. That’s it!
Somaderm™ Gel also contains ingredients to support proper adrenal function and a healthy thyroid. This gel is homeopathic and 100% safe for women and men over the age of 18.
I have lived a healthy lifestyle for over forty years. As a genetically fat person, staying fit is an absolute necessity for me. Other than my back problems in 2001, my health has always been excellent — extremely excellent! That was until 2014. I was working like a crazy person trying to get my website off the ground and I started experiencing pain that resulted in my first hip replacement in December 2014. My recovery was fast and I was back to me quickly.
By Mid 2015, I started having problems with my teeth that required a mouthful of surgeries. Here we are in 2019 and I’m just “finishing up” now. There was a lot of pain throughout these surgeries and it definitely took its toll on my body. My usual food and exercise routines had to be tailored to fit my physical state.
In January 2017, I was feeling awesome again and training like a beast. My blog was doing great and I was loving life. And then the pain started again . . . a lot of pain. By April 2017, my life started to rapidly snow ball downwards. My pain level was excruciating and although I saw a variety of doctors, none could definitively diagnose me. For a year, I tried everything I could — I started eating only plant based, I tailored my workouts to fit my limitations, I was seeing a physical therapist, and a chiropractor, and having massages — nothing helped and the pain was ever present and debilitating.
My situation came to a head the Monday night after Mother’s Day — my body went into shock and I wound up in the emergency room late at night thinking this was the end. The next two weeks were a whirlwind of doctors appointments and tests. At the end it was determined that a second hip replacement was needed. The surgery was mid June and then it was full speed ahead to plan My Daughter’s Wedding.
The wedding was early November 2018. When it was over you could wipe the floor with me. It was at this time that I ran into a fitness friend at the gym who had been boasting about this great new gel product and I decided “what do I have to lose?” Within a week I started to notice my sleep was better and I felt energized. As time went on the benefits just kept increasing: better sleep, clear headed, flatter tummy, tons of energy, tighter skin, longer and fuller hair, and best of all — NO PAIN! I feel ten years younger! And now you can reap the benefits too!
To learn more, watch this short video:
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results will vary.