I love clothing! I love accessories! I love shoes and boots and belts and bags! And I like to stay current. Regardless of your age or body type all of us can look contemporary and up–to-date. I am not a clothing designer or a stylist but I know how to dress. My website is not just about eating right and exercising correctly it’s about looking your very best.
Think of your clothing as the icing on the cake – you can have the most delicious, freshly baked cake but if its icing is all messy or a strange color or covered in odd objects you won’t want to take a bite. Think of clothing as your calling card. When we look at each other the first thing we actually see is the clothing. So if you are not in the best of shape, or you are, clothing can enhance and define you (and it’s so easy to do). Basically clothing comes down to style, fit and color. It is very simple yet so many are confused. I am going to show you how to wear the basics along with the trendier pieces.
follow along with me...
Go into your closet and throw out 5 pieces of clothing, shoes or bags (if economically feasible). Then throw out 2 more things. Go look in the mirror and if you’re wearing something you hate throw that out too. Donate if you wish. And if you can’t afford to throw away so much just toss 1 thing.