I designed this 10 Minute Total Body Toner for Women Over Fifty because so many middle-aged women tell me they just don’t have time to exercise. That excuse doesn’t work anymore since even the busiest women have ten minutes to spend on their health. I suggest you get up ten minutes earlier and go through this routine the minute your feet hit the floor. Or have your coffee first and then do it before jumping into the shower.
Either way wait until after it’s done before you eat. All the movements are simple yet especially effective in toning your body and burning calories. Every move is contained in my exercise videos listed below.
follow along with me...
This routine should take about 10 minutes. If you need to pause or get a sip of water make it quick. The goal is to keep your heart rate up during the entire workout.
- 1 minute ball squats
- 1 minute static ball squat
- 1 minute single leg lunges (30 seconds each leg)
- 1 minute butt to chair squats
- 30 second rest — lie on floor with toes pointed & arms stretched over head
- 30 seconds bent knee slow bridges
- 1 minute bent knee crunches
- 1 minute slow bicycle
- 30 seconds of push-ups
- 30 second plank
- 1 minute bicep curls
- 1 minute ball squats
These videos contain all the movements:
Legs and Butt
Why You Should Squat
5 Classic Ab Moves
3 Steps To A Perfect Push-Up