Ladies, first I want to levelset with you. Many of us know of or have tried intermittent fasting before. It’s a diet during which we restrict the window of time that we eat. The benefits range from better digestion to a heightened metabolism – but intermittent fasting is completely different from intermittent exercise.
So, let’s get to it! What is intermittent exercise?
Intermittent exercise is short spurts of physical activity over a 24 hour time frame versus one continuous workout. An example is that instead of working out for an hour straight, you’d do four 15-minute increments of physical activity throughout the day that amount to a total of 60 minutes.
With intermittent exercise, you can mix it up and spend 10 minutes on weight lifting, 15 minutes on cardio and another 15 minutes on abs – so long as you rack up 30-60 minutes of activity 5-6 days per week.
You might be asking, “what is the benefit of intermittent exercise?” Below, I’m outlining why this method of physical activity could be right for you:
follow along with me...
One: No gym, no problem.
One of the best things about intermittent exercise is that it can be done anywhere, anytime. You can easily do an array of workouts from the comfort of your home.
Two: Minimal space is needed.
Regardless of how small or large your living space is, you’re likely already equipped to participate in intermittent exercise!
You’ll simply need enough space that would allow for you to lie down. This is to ensure that you’re capable of a full range of motion. You can leverage different areas of your house in your workout, too. Stairs, chairs and even your kitchen counter can all double as workout equipment!

Three: Schedule schmedule.
I love intermittent exercise because you don’t have to block out an extended period of time to fit your workout in.
On the days where I am a busy bee – which is more often that not – I can easily fit in several sets of activity around my schedule. Whether it’s 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes before lunch, and another fifteen after the laundry is done, I am able to fit it into my larger list of priorities. Even commercial breaks are a perfect time to get an extra set in!
It’s highly configurable to you and your specific needs/routine.
Four: Say goodbye to stress!
Multiple rounds of “mini” workouts means multiple rounds of endorphins! By peppering in small and manageable workouts throughout the day, you’re going to experience that same post-workout rush – not once – but several times!
Are you interested in giving intermittent exercise a try? Here are some Phyllis-approved moves you can try ASAP:

- 10 Minute Total Body Toner for Women Over Fifty
What woman doesn’t want firmer inner thighs? - 5 Simple Moves That Will Improve Your Inner Thighs
A quick and easy arm workout - 7 Simple Moves to Tighten Your Arms In
Let’s be honest – with everything that’s going on right now, we need a way to stay active, and to do it safely from the comfort of our own homes. Not only does intermittent exercise allow for that, it also provides a regular, welcomed distraction and several daily doses of much-needed endorphins. Take care of yourself, and invest in your wellness – it matters now more than ever before.
Do you have a favorite at-home workout? Please share it in the comments below!
If you’re looking to trim down for summer festivities, this post is for you: 10 TOP TIPS TO START YOUR SUMMER SLIM DOWN NOW FOR WOMEN OVER 60.