This video contains five of the top tricep moves to tone over 50 female arms. Many middle-aged women workout because they want to look their best but often times they neglect their arms. I think the reason for this is that most women either don’t know what to do or believe that there is nothing you can do once your arms have started to sag. The truth is your arms will respond if worked properly and consistently. It does take time but if you commit you will definitely see results.
The tricep muscle actually has three parts or “heads” and it’s important to make sure each area is hit to maximize firming of your arms. Those bat wings that so many women over fifty complain about are actually part of the tricep muscle so we definitely need to work it. The single arm kickbacks with a twist hit that area extremely well so make sure to hold the twist at the top for a couple of seconds to get the full benefit of the movement.
The part of the tricep that really makes your arms look sculpted is the head on the side of the arm. When working it properly you can see it flexing as in the photo still from my video. Make sure to look at my arms carefully when you watch the video to see exactly where and how well these movements work.
As I’ve said many times before being over fifty does not mean that we are destined to wear long sleeve shirts all the time. Even a little toning goes a long way in giving your arms a more youthful look.
If you really want to see changes in your arms make sure to watch BEST BICEP MOVES FOR WOMEN OVER 50. Incorporating both arm workouts will greatly help to tone up your over fifty arms.
And don’t forget to do your push-ups as they are great for your entire upper body! 3 STEPS TO A PERFECT PUSH UP.