“Monday, Monday”… What baby boomer doesn’t remember those lyrics? Or “Just Another Manic Monday”. Monday is so disliked that we actually write songs about it, and they become big hits! I think we need to change our long held negative attitude about Mondays. Instead of dreading them, we should embrace them as the new beginning to a good week.
It seems as if most women, especially those over fifty, concentrate on just three body parts: abs, butt and thighs. While these are definitely important, the truth is that to really look more youthful and to achieve true fitness ALL body parts must be engaged. In my opinion shoulders are so important that I train them 2 to 3 times a week. I think all us baby boomers should.
I hope that you all had a great holiday which hopefully included a little ME time. Wishing everybody a happy and healthy 2016 filled with joy, peace and love. I am so grateful for all the support you have given me as I embarked on my new website. I can’t wait to see what this year brings us all. Please connect with me; I love all the feedback and suggestions.
Now that this year is coming to an end and a new one is about to begin, many of us start thinking about changes we need to make. The problem with resolutions is that they really are end goals without an action plan: I want to lose weight; I want to stop smoking; I want to get fit. And how do you plan on achieving these goals? Instead of making resolutions, I make a “to do” list that will aide me in achieving a desired result.
I get hungry a lot even though I do eat throughout the day. Sometimes I just need a “little something” to satisfy that gnawing I feel in my tummy. Being as busy as I am, I needed to find a treat that would satisfy that sweet and salty and creamy and crunchy taste that I craved. So instead of having some chips and cookies and ice cream, I’ve come up with a solution that I call “Spoon Situation”, because if I don’t immediately shove something in my mouth I’m going to have a real bad situation by eating everything in sight.