After first working with stability balls seventeen years ago, I started incorporating them into my warm up before exercising. The ball is excellent for both stretching and stabilizing the back which is a must for me. I used resistance bands in physical therapy for a shoulder injury but never really considered them an alternative to weights. It was wrong of me to think this combo could not provide me with a tough, challenging workout because they can!
Going to the gym five days a week was my usual routine. Since I’ve grown older I find that often times when my head says yes my body says no. It’s not just the workout but also the logistics of getting to the gym. Unfortunately I had become dismissive of most other forms of exercise but I decided to give a ball and band workout another try and it definitely changed my mind. I loved these workouts and I especially liked using the DynaPro exercise ball and resistance bands because they are durable and have features that I like.
The versatility of the exercise ball is a big benefit. The most traditional way is to lie supine (on your back) on the ball. This allows various types of abdominal exercises including classic crunches. The other most popular way is to lie prone (on your stomach). This position allows you to work your legs and glutes. I prefer using the ball with my back on the floor with my legs on the ball.
The back stretching routine of bridges, leg lifts and ball tucks was done with a 75cm ball, the perfect size for my 5ft5 frame. The ball rolled smoothly and my legs never slipped off. I usually like to elevate my hips, butt and upper legs when I do this series.
Resistance bands usually have large grip handles which allow you to adjust as needed. Many brands allow you to adjust the length of the band with the handles. If not, just wrap to make sure the length works for you and the exercise you are performing. DynaPro has a unique, easy to use system that allows you to quickly and securely change the length of the band to suit your needs.

I like this little band workout. After wrapping the band securely around my feet I do a series of back rows, Pilates 100s for my abs, one leg elevated kick outs and side raises for my legs. I love doing this workout as it really gets my heart pumping and my body sweating!
Combining the ball and the band allow me to perform compound moves which I love to do. Why not work both your upper and lower body at the same time? I use the resistance band to work my upper body with bicep curls, single arm front shoulder raises and side shoulder raises as I do wall squats. Again, make sure the ball stays secure between your back and the wall. The ball needs to roll smoothly through the entire routine.
To my surprise I get a great workout at home with a stability ball and a resistance band. And I don’t have to haul myself to the gym.Make sure your equipment is professional quality and easy to work with. I am definitely planning on switching out some of my gym sessions with at home workouts.
Disclosure: These products were samples provided to me to try and the opinions are my own! I was not financially compensated for writing this blog post.