I just returned from a fabulous Mother’s Day Getaway in Puerto Rico with my daughter Pam. Although separated by almost 34 years, our life experiences during the last year have been strikingly similar. We both started new business ventures and have been working round the clock under tremendous stress. We visited San Juan three years ago and loved it so much we decided to return.

It was meant to be. The weather was beyond beautiful with only a brief shower or two the entire week we were there. Â We stayed at the same hotel and it was beyond fabulous! We both slept more soundly than we had in months. The entire day was spent on the beach but instead of being plugged into our devices, Pam and I spent most of the time talking. Our evenings were spent eating, drinking and dancing. It’s a good thing no one took a video of me because I got down on that dance floor!

Pam’s birthday was a few weeks ago so this vacation was really a joint celebration. I love being a mom. Both of my children have now become my friends but I am always “mommy” to them. It is without doubt the best “job” I ever had. Spending this alone time with Pam was such a gift. We both came back refreshed, renewed and ready to resume our hectic lives.